Special offer Amenity Hotel & Resort Lipno
It’s simple.
For each day of stay, each person will get 1h of activities in Amenity Sport Arena Lipno for free.
The special offer is valid for all guests staying at Amenity Lipno from 17 January to 15 April 2025.
(Example: 1 night = 1h of activities/1 person | … | 5 nights = 5h of activities/1 person | …)
Offer not valid for massages, swimming pool, bowling, group and corporate events. Hours of activities can only be redeemed separately each day until 18:00h. We recommend booking activities in advance at the reception of Sport Arena Lipno in person or by phone at +420 725 991 991.
Hotel, apartments, chalet and cabins
Would you prefer a comfy hotel room or your own house with terrace? We have something for everyone. The newly reconstructed deluxe houses excel with modern furnishings and four-star hotel services. Our standard houses are popular because of their spaciousness and the hotel rooms because of their comfort and practicality. It all depends on what you prefer.
Amenity Hotel & Resort Lipno
Restaurant, Wellness, Pool, Sport Arena, Fitness, Bowling, Sports rental and more
Amenity Hotel & Resort Lipno